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Wednesday, February 3, 2010

22 Weeks and Counting...

So, I have failed to update the blog for a few days, partly because life has been fairly uneventful and partly because since school started, life has become much busier. Tomorrow marks week 22 for us! Since finding out the news that Cade is healthy, not a whole lot has happened in our lives.
I am still struggling to find a good routine of getting homework done, working, making it to classes on time, and still finding time to exercise. It is quite a challenge as it has always been for me, but now I have to add in the additional factor of getting bigger and being more tired. I hope to get it down to a T eventually :)

We have spent the last 2 weeks rearranging, organizing, and cleaning our little house. I guess you could say it is kind of an early nesting thing, but the funny part is, it is Chris nesting and not really me! I have been trying to help as much as I can, but he has worked so hard to get the house set up in a way that will be comfortable and efficient for our growing family. We have a new (and HUGE) TV, an official guest room (with a bed) for those of you who will be joining us for a visit this summer, an office/laundry room (including shelving for storage) and finally a dresser in our bedroom. We finally have curtains on our windows and on our closets, an empty closet for baby stuff and a whole lot less junk in the house. I will post photos eventually when I get it all cleaned and organized.

Cade has become sooo active (as in never stops moving) and is getting stronger everyday. He has settled himself all the way down as far as he can get for now and practices Karate and tumbling daily. He is the most active in the late mornings while I am in classes and at night before I go to bed. He often moves around when Chris talks to him :) So sweet. I can't wait until Chris can feel him move on the outside.

My next appointment is on Wednesday and will share the details of that visit of course! For now, I must go to bed because I can no longer keep my eyes open past 9pm. More belly photos to come this weekend!

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