Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

One Year Update

So, I know its a little late and that I have been posting little things along the way, but I feel it is time for an update on Cade and all of his amazingness!

To begin with, he walks!!! About the end of may, he started walking and taking a few steps here and there, but after his surgery he refused to walk without holding a hand. I think maybe it hurt to walk a little and holding hands gave him comfort, I dunno. About a week or two ago, he must have remembered he could walk and just let go and never looked back! It is wonderful to have him up off the floor and provides us the opportunity to have more fun outside and less worry for mama about the floors not being clean enough. I know, I know, but I couldn't help it. Anyway, he is all over the place now and loves it. It is so cute to see him come walking around the corner smiling :)

Annnnd he eats! He now has two teeth on the bottom and one on the top with another on its way out so he can bite things pretty well now . He is doing very well not choking on food for the most part and has hardly had any reactions to anything. He loves to eat whatever we are eating and just has such a sense of pride in being so special when we hand him something. I am very aware of what we eat now and have ben trying to buy as much organic, non-sugar-filled food as we can. Though I swore I wouldn't give him french fries as a baby, I hate to admit he had already had In-n-out least they are real potato right??

He loves to dance, wear mine and chris' shoes (though they always fall off and he gets mad), and loves the bath...any water actually. He throws and tries to kick his little soccer ball, turns everything into a phone and puts it up to his ear to have a conversation and loves to be outside.

This week I made more of an effort to offer signs when I knew what he wanted. He already gets frustrated if we don't know what he wants, so I thought they would really come in handy now. He caught on so quickly! He now regular signs "more", "milk", "again"and "all done". We are working on the signs for book, eat, water, outside, mama, papa, ball and please. It is so cute because he sometimes gets them all mixed up and even though I usually know which one he means to do, I always laugh and show him the real sign. I'm so exited to have this communication with him.

We are creeping closer to one nap a day I think. He is staying up longer and longer each day. I tried having him nap outside the stroller, but if I wasn't holding him, he woke right up.Something about the car seat shape must make him more comfortable.

He and Chris have such an amazing relationship and it just truly warms my heart. They spend more time together as I have been picking up a few extra shifts at work. They go for walks, play outside, water the grass, read stories (which papa often changes the words to), and dance. Chris always calls me at work to let me know what they are up to. The other night he called and informed me that he taught Cade to high-five :) It is such a father-son thing to do and so cute. Last night when I got home he told me about their dance party and how he had put on some music and both he and Cade danced and cracked up at each other for 20 minutes. Part of me wishes I was there to watch, but the other part of me is so happy for them that they have those moments which are just theirs. Cade and I are so lucky to have such an amazing man in our lives.

That's about it for now, though I will of course think of many more right after I post this...

Oh! One more thing that had me in tears the other night....

Cade discovered his penis in the bath. I have been waiting for it to happen and the funniest part is that he cracks up in hysterics everytime he grabs it.

I love that kid.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Number 3!

We have another tooth! Well, Cade does anyway :) One of his top front teeth came in today and the other one is poking through...

My Little Trash Boy

The other day Cade noticed the trashcan. The one in the kitchen has a lid that lifts up and he LOVES lids. So in the last few days he has been picking up little things off the floor and throwing them away. Today, I searched high and low for our DVD remote. After searching for 20 minutes, I found it. In the trashcan. Oh little bug, you are so cute.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011


So surgery went well and at this point the little bug is all healed and back to normal!

We got to the hospital early and checked in for the long haul. The nurse came in and took his vitals and gave us his gown to put on. Cade was still playing and exploring at this point. He started to get fussy about an hour before his surgery because he hadn't had anything to eat or drink since 3:00am, including nursing. I felt so bad because he was crying and didn't understand why I wouldn't let him eat. Not fun for either one of us.

About half an hour before surgery, the nurse came back in and gave Cade a dose of versed (versaid?). It made him loopy and happy and forget all his worries. It was pretty cute and funny to watch. After it kicked in, Blake came in and carried him to surgery.

Blake Selby is a good friend of ours who happens to be the nurse practitioner who works with a great pediatric urologist in orange county. We were lucky to have her there with cade the whole time.

Surgery lasted about two hours and Blake updated us by text the whole time. That was lovely and made us feel so much more relaxed. After surgery we went to see him in recovery and waited and waited. They told us he had ended up needing an extra dose of anesthesia because he wouldn't relax. For this reason he was out cold. It took about two hours before he came to, enough to nurse and he never actually woke up until we got back to Chris' parent's house about four hours later.

He came home with a bandage over the incision, a catheter (without the bag, it just went into the diaper), and an onQ pump which was a tube inserted into the incision and released lidocaine into the incision every four hours. Instructions of: no baths for a week and keep the poop away from the bandage. Right.

It was a looooonngg week for the parents. Other than a little pain, Cade seemed no worse for the wear and was bouncing off the walls! We kept him in the house for the week and we all got very stir crazy...

A week later the bandages came off and the catheter came out and he was a new baby!

We go back for his check up in a few weeks...

Thanks for all the thoughts and prayers!