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Friday, September 2, 2011

Communication is AMAZING

First let me say that because I am the mom and I am lucky to be able to spend so much time with Cade, I know what he wants most of the time. That being said, he signs. All the time and it is AMAZING! I know I have already listed all the signs he uses, but it just really amazes me everyday how much it helps him communicate and how happy he gets when we know exactly what he wants or needs.

Plus, he is so freakin' smart! How does he know what helps means and when to use it? How does he decipher between "again" and "more" and when to use which one? It is amazing. He is so cute when he needs help, he comes running up to us and signs "help" with his little thumb up and a look of determination on his face. As soon as we respond "you need help?" he gets a giant smile on his face and runs back to where he came from to show us what he needs help with.

He signs "airplane" when he hears any loud noise, tells us when he wants to eat or needs water or wants milkies (nursing). He tells us when he wants to read a book again (for the 120th time) or for us to sing his favorite songs again. I LOVE these signs. They take away any frustration that comes along with lack of speech and it is just so darn cute! I have tried many times to catch him signing on camera, but have failed every time so far. It is as if he knows....little stinker :)

My absolute favorite sign of all though, is the sign he made up. Up until a few weeks ago, Cade took his naps in his car seat in the stroller. Recently, he started going over to the stroller when he was ready to sleep and raising his arm up as if to reach for the stroller. This became the sign for wanting to go to sleep! Now, anytime he is tired and wants to go to sleep, he simply raises his hand as if in class. It is so cute.

I know he will start talking soon and although this too will be exciting and fun, I really am going to miss his adorable little signs.

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