Anyway, since I last wrote, Cade has obviously changed and grown so much. He is such a little human now. He sits up and rolls around like a mad man. Not crawling yet, but he sure does get around when he wants to. At his last check-up he weighed 15 pounds, 10 ounces and was 26 inches tall. A huge difference from his birth weight of 3 pounds, 7 ounces! He is growing so quickly and becoming so much fun. He gets so excited when Papa or I get home and the smile on his face when he sees us is enough to melt you.
What else....Oh food! So I started offering him solids in November. I made and froze sweet potatoes, butternut squash and carrots and he has tried them all at this point. Not really into it though! Every morning I get him in his chair, put his tray on, put his bib on and he gets so excited (not sure what he thinks is going to happen) but when I offer him the food he rarely opens his mouth, but has more interest in playing with the bowel and spoon. It feels like a waste of food and energy sometimes, but I figure one of these days he will want to eat it. For now I am happy with him still getting his food from me. I gave him some puffs to play with while I was making dinner the other night, but he still hasn't developed the pincer grasp and can't figure out how to get them into his mouth. It is pretty funny to watch. I put one in his mouth to see what he would do, but he gagged. Guess he isn't ready to eat food yet!

Just the other day he woke up and started saying "dadadadadadadada." Now he says it all the time and it is adorable. Of course you instantly want to think your child is brilliant and saying Dada way earlier than any other child, but we know he is not because we refer to Chris as Papa. I can't wait to hear him start saying that and mamamamamama :)
No teeth yet either. I didn't get my first tooth until I was 11 months old and I'm not sure if that sort of thing is hereditary or not, but he may not have them anytime soon. He does seem to be teething though as he always has his hands in his mouth and has been much fussier than normal lately. Who knows!
As for me, I am officially a college graduate which is wonderful because going to school with a baby is hard!I have been trying to start the new year off to a good start. Staying organized, exercising and eating better food are all some of my goals this year. I really want to make good habits for our family so that they come naturally to Cade and being active and eating good food are part of his life growing up. Chris feels the same way and he has also started running and eating better. We have been going on family walk/runs whenever we can and Cade loves to get outside so we are all happy.
We will have a busy year I suspect as we will be down in San Diego twice in the coming months for Cade's consultation and surgery. In addition, we are still up in the air about where we want to live right now. We may move, we may not....stay tuned!
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