So Mr. Cade is now 3 1/2 months old and growing rapidly. To begin with we went to his check-up this morning and he now weighs 10 pounds, 11 ounces and is 22 inches long! That is a weight gain of 7 pounds 4 ounces since birth and he has grown 4 inches since then! He is still only in the 3rd% in height and weight, but his doctor said because Chris was small as a child, he probably would be too.
Cade is amazing and is changing so much everyday. I love being his mama! He is getting so strong and almost completely holds his head up now. He smiles all the time and started to coo and almost giggle. If we lay next to him on a blanket he will talk for 10 minutes. He finds his Papa to be hilarious. He still has to wear mittens on his hands because every time we take them off, he destroys his face. I am waiting for the day that he has more control of his hands so he can see them! He has just begun to get his hands to his mouth and the poor little guy has no idea what they really taste like!
We just got home from our first family vacation. We went down to San Diego to see family and friends for 2 weeks. Cade met soooo many people, who all doted on him and wanted us to leave him there. It was neat to see how many people love and care about him. It was the first time Chris and I had been home together since we moved to Chico 2 years ago and man was it nice! We spent so much time together and most of it was stress free and fun. Cade went to his first soccer game (though he slept through most of it) and despite loads of sunscreen and shade, got his first sunburn. His mama felt horrible :( Other than that it was uneventful in a good way. We relaxed, hung out with family and friends and Mama and Papa got some much needed time alone going out to dinner and a baseball game. Thanks to Grandma Rawson and Auntie Lizbeth for that :) He did pretty well in the car ride there and back with only a few meltdowns. I don't blame him though since it took 10 hours and it was all spent in his tight car seat. Hopefully next time we can just fly down there.
So after 4 months of being out of work and time spent undivided with Cade, I had to return to work last night. I was excited to be back at work because I love my job so much and missed the girls, but I was not entirely happy to be away from Cade. He and Chris have a special relationship already and it helped ease my nervousness, but I still worried that he might wonder where I was or why I was gone. Silly, I know, but I can't help it. We all survived though and Chris did an awesome job having never been alone with him for that long before. Cade only had a few moments and was happily alspee on the bed when I got home. Back to work again tonight with fingers crossed that it goes just as well.

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