Monday May 3, 2010 has officially become the best day of our lives. It is the day our beautiful baby boy was born. After a rough and horrible 2 weeks in the hospital, Cade finally entered the world. He came out so fast that he earned the nickname "Rocket". Cade came into the world about 5 weeks early and although we were hoping he would be healthy, we knew there was a possibility that he could have a variety of problems. He proved us wrong the minute he came out. He took a breath right away, began to cry and even peed on the nurse :) Chris and I kissed him and then they took him to the NICU to make sure he was OK. He was under observation for about an hour and then we were allowed to go see him. I was under so many drugs that I was unable to sit up and keep my eyes open, but Chris went right in to see him. They told Chris that he was breathing on his own and seemed to be healthy and strong, but tiny.
I had been living on ice chips and chicken broth for 4 days and as soon as he came out, I begged for food. Chris and Elizabeth picked up Mexican food and I very much enjoyed my bean & cheese burrito and horchata! I was unable to see him that night while I was still recovering, but I began to pump right away. I got up every 3 hours that night and when I got a few drops of colostrum, Chris walked it over to the NICU to make sure Cade was getting breast milk at his feedings. What a great dad!
I met my little man the next morning and fell in love. He was perfect. Sound asleep in his little incubator sucking on his pacifier. Here are some of the pictures from that wonderful day. We love him so much already and cannot wait until he can come home with us to start our lives together as a family. We love you Cade! You will always be our "Rocket Man"!

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