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Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Unexpected Turn of Events

After school today Chris and I went to our appointment to meet with the midwives due to the swelling and pain in my legs I had been having. Every time I go, the first thing they have me do right away is called "check and weigh". I go pee in a cup, use a stick thingy to measure the protein and glucose in my urine, weigh myself and report back to them. Usually the protein and glucose come up negative and there is no problem. Today my heart kinda dropped because though the glucose was fine, my protein levels were off the stick high. I knew this was a concern and I was dreading what they were going to say. When we went into the room they took my blood pressure and instead of the normal 140/70 it was somewhere around 185/94! Just a week and a half prior everything was great and now this?! My legs were completely swollen up to my thighs and the combination of these things was a problem.

They had my lay on my left side for 5 minutes and then came to recheck my BP. Nothing changed. They did this 2 more times and when it was still high, the midwife came in and said she was taking me out of work until he was born. I got pretty happy because being on my feet at work has become so painful and uncomfortable that I knew it was the right thing to do. Well, as she was writing me a note, she was looking over my chart and then at my legs and decided to change her mind and that she wanted us to go right away to labor and delivery at the hospital to have an ultrasound and non-stress test for Cade and to monitor my BP for a while. OH yay.

We got to the hospital around 4 or 4:30pm and they hooked Cade and I up right away. His non-stress tests looked fine and his heart rate was great. I however, was still dealing with sky high BP and could not get it to go down. My urine sample was still high for protein which means that my kidneys were not working like they needed to. They monitored my BP every 15 minutes for over an hour and when it wouldn't go down, they said I needed to stay. They told us that I had pretty bad Pre-eclampsia and that though they still do not know what causes it, it is related to having the baby inside and that they ONLY way to cure it was to deliver him. Uh....I'm sorry but what!?

Since Feather River Hospital (where I was planing to deliver) does not have the facilities that a premature baby would need, if this were to happen, I would need to be sent by ambulance an hour and a half away to Sutter in Sacramento. They decided to keep me at Feather River overnight and take a 24 hour urine collection to really determine what was going on with my kidneys. By 9:15pm the next night we should have some answers.

Oh! I forgot to say that we got to see him again and though it still kinda looks like a skeleton, we were so happy to see how happy he looked. He is perfectly fine in there and is not affected by this at all (at least right now) and he was just sucking away on his fingers like he always is :) Knowing he is ok put my mind at ease a lot and gave me the focus I needed to worry about my body. Also, they are still saying that he is measuring about 2 Weeks younger than my dates, but it is nothing major and that they estimate he is about 3.5lbs right now. This sounded god to me at first because should he need to come out now, he would not be so tiny. The reality is though that it doesn't matter how fat he is, he needs to have developed lungs and kidneys and be able to eat before he would come home.

After the ultrasound, Chris ran home and collected things as fast as he could and made some phone calls to let everyone know what was going on. Again, I do not know how I would make it without him. He is my rock and always pulls it together when I (the control freak) am out of control. He is the best man I know. I was moved to a private room that has 2 beds in it and a bathroom which made it so much more comfortable for him to stay with me. In addition, they gave me a Betamethazone shot which is steroids to boost his lung development within 48 hours in case he were to come out in the next couple of days. I was to get another 24 hours later.

Though I am glad they gave that to me for him, man did it make me suffer! I was so tired but could not sleep. I literally slept for maybe 10 minutes all night and just laid here staring at the clock, hoping it would be morning soon because I was so bored. It sucked majorly. To add to that, I started having some pretty uncomfortable contractions around 3:30am which made it even harder to try to sleep. They monitored them and the doctor checked my cervix, but said it was tightly closed so for now they would let them happen. Oh joy :) He said that it just may be another sign of my body trying to get Cade out so it can recover. Who knows really. They said that if I was to be transported, they would give me something to stop them for the ride.

To be continued.....

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