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Monday, February 8, 2010

New Developments

I really have a lot to write this week and I want to take new pictures of the belly and the house, but I need to go to bed and will have to do it tomorrow. I just had to share the most fun thing in my life right now and that is the growing strength of Mr. Cade :) I started feeling him move around to some extent about 3 or 4 weeks ago. Everyday, the strength and intensity of his acrobatics increases and he becomes more and more active. Last night however, was the best so far. I was laying in bed wide awake at all hours of the night for some reason (I think it was 3:30 or something) and I felt him start moving around near my side. Up until now, I could only feel him move on the inside, but this time it was so strong that I could not only feel it on the outside too, but I could see it! Sooooo amazing and nothing makes me smile more. I so wanted Chris to feel it, but by the time I got to him, Cade stopped moving of course. Anyway, it really made my day (well night) and I just wanted to share. More to come soon!

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