So this week something changed. Well 2 things changed really...
1) I have a strong desire to run again (not just run, but train and race again)
2) I want to eat everything in sight
I discovered almost 2 years ago that I love to run. As a result, I ran and ran and ran. I trained for and ran 2 half marathons and began training for a full marathon.....all within a year. As is expected, I burned out and had to take a break. Not only did I hurt, but I was running so much that I just kinda got bored I guess.
I am happy to say that the spark is back. I miss running!! I dream about running. I need to run. Unfortunately, since it is so late in this pregnancy and I have not been running, I don't think it is a good idea to start now. I cannot wait to get back into it though as soon as he is born. I am craving the runner's high and the thrill of finishing a race. Chris' sisters are going to train for and run a half marathon in December and I have decided I will be joining them. I figure it will be a good way to lose any extra baby weight that will for sure start packing on due to the second change in my life this week....FOOD.
I want to eat anything and everything. It is the first time since I have been pregnant that I have felt this way and it is scaring me just a little. I guess it makes sense since he is supposedly starting to pack on the fat starting this week, but still! When I am not dreaming about running, I am dreaming about eating. Doesn't matter what it is, I will eat it. I am ALWAYS hungry and though I get full easily, I feel like I am chewing all day long. Though it may backfire on me, I have decided to give in. Obviously my body is telling me something and I will listen. I want to enjoy this time in my life when the thoughts of "being good" don't rule my life. I will worry about getting back in shape and losing the extra later. Probably by running!
Speaking of food, I am in need of something chocolate...mmmmm
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
6 Months and Counting....
So I am a little behind in my updates as usual. I try really hard, but just can't seem to get ahead of everything on my "to do" list. I am always striving to be more organized because I feel so much better when I am and it has become my ultimate goal before he comes out.....wish me luck!
We made it to 6 months! So weird to think that he has been with me for half of a year! Where has the time gone? I go through daily shock at how fast this is all going and I think Chris is probably getting a little tired of hearing it, but seriously!
It has become very obvious to the public that I am indeed with child and though I have not yet had a stranger touch me, everyone has something to say. I have people from my classes tell me daily that I grew overnight. "Yes people, I am aware thank you." At school I have become a novelty :) I get all kinds of looks and as of this week officially no longer fit in the regular desks and will now be asking whoever is hogging the handicap chairs to move. I think maybe I will make signs and tape them to the handicap desks in all the rooms!
Cade has become quite the little mover and shaker in there this week. He is growing stronger everyday and his kicks and punches can almost always be seen on the outside. I sometimes have to retain my giggles during a lecture because my belly is literally moving on it's own! He seems to move all day at random times, but responds to Chris' voice when he talks to him and late at night he seems to come alive. He has also started to wake me up at night when he moves.
A few nights ago, I woke up because he was moving so much. I was cracking up in the middle of the night because he was literally ricocheting off of my insides! I have no idea what he was doing, but the best way I could describe it would be bouncing off the walls. Soooo funny!
That is pretty much it here for now. I want to write everyday, but not a whole lot is happening on the outside right now. I am sure I will have more to tell soon. Oh, and it is raining here again....yuck.
We made it to 6 months! So weird to think that he has been with me for half of a year! Where has the time gone? I go through daily shock at how fast this is all going and I think Chris is probably getting a little tired of hearing it, but seriously!
It has become very obvious to the public that I am indeed with child and though I have not yet had a stranger touch me, everyone has something to say. I have people from my classes tell me daily that I grew overnight. "Yes people, I am aware thank you." At school I have become a novelty :) I get all kinds of looks and as of this week officially no longer fit in the regular desks and will now be asking whoever is hogging the handicap chairs to move. I think maybe I will make signs and tape them to the handicap desks in all the rooms!
Cade has become quite the little mover and shaker in there this week. He is growing stronger everyday and his kicks and punches can almost always be seen on the outside. I sometimes have to retain my giggles during a lecture because my belly is literally moving on it's own! He seems to move all day at random times, but responds to Chris' voice when he talks to him and late at night he seems to come alive. He has also started to wake me up at night when he moves.
A few nights ago, I woke up because he was moving so much. I was cracking up in the middle of the night because he was literally ricocheting off of my insides! I have no idea what he was doing, but the best way I could describe it would be bouncing off the walls. Soooo funny!
That is pretty much it here for now. I want to write everyday, but not a whole lot is happening on the outside right now. I am sure I will have more to tell soon. Oh, and it is raining here again....yuck.
Monday, February 22, 2010
Shower the People You Love With Love
Being pregnant has been special and very exciting. What makes it EVEN more special is having a very good friend to share the experience with. Jenifer and I met while working together at KidsPark. She no longer works there, but we have stayed friends and now have become even better friends. When she found out last summer that she was expecting a baby, we were all so happy for her and the first words out of my mouth were "That's great! But, I won't be joining that club anytime soon!" She will never let me live that one down.
Since I found out I was pregnant, it has been wonderful to have her around. She is due April 18th which is almost exactly 8 weeks before I am. She gives me a real-life look at my very near future and we are great sounding boards for each other to gripe and complain! She of all people gets how embarrassing it is to lose control of your bladder when you sneeze and how it feels to no longer be able to reach your feet. I so appreciate her.
My other wonderful friend Mandy and I decided to throw her a baby shower. Those of you who know me well, know that this is one of my FAVORITE things to do, so of course I had to! After weeks of planning and preparation, the day finally came on Sunday. It was so fun and was so nice to hang out with a great bunch of women. Jenifer was showered with gifts and was a great sport when silly games required her to be the center of attention.
Not even close Pat!

I feel so lucky to have an incredible group of women around me at this time when I am away from my family. Though they will never replace my mom and sisters, I have formed friendships in Chico that will last a lifetime. Thank you all for this and know that I love you.
Jenifer, Mandy & Me

All the KidsPark Ladies

The Decor

Since I found out I was pregnant, it has been wonderful to have her around. She is due April 18th which is almost exactly 8 weeks before I am. She gives me a real-life look at my very near future and we are great sounding boards for each other to gripe and complain! She of all people gets how embarrassing it is to lose control of your bladder when you sneeze and how it feels to no longer be able to reach your feet. I so appreciate her.
My other wonderful friend Mandy and I decided to throw her a baby shower. Those of you who know me well, know that this is one of my FAVORITE things to do, so of course I had to! After weeks of planning and preparation, the day finally came on Sunday. It was so fun and was so nice to hang out with a great bunch of women. Jenifer was showered with gifts and was a great sport when silly games required her to be the center of attention.
Not even close Pat!
I feel so lucky to have an incredible group of women around me at this time when I am away from my family. Though they will never replace my mom and sisters, I have formed friendships in Chico that will last a lifetime. Thank you all for this and know that I love you.
Jenifer, Mandy & Me
All the KidsPark Ladies
Mandy & Lorelei
The Decor
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Happy Valentines Day!
Chris and I talked about what we wanted to do tomorrow for a while and went back and forth about going out to dinner. We ultimately decided that we didn't want to brave the crowds and since we feel like we celebrate our love all year long, we didn't need to succumb to mainstream Valentines Day. Instead we would just spend the day together like we always do on Sundays and maybe make a nice dinner or something....
But, when I got home from work tonight, my wonderful (and very handsome might I add) husband surprised me and told me to get ready because we had 7:00pm dinner reservations at a new place he heard was great! He sure is amazing.
On top of that, we both said we were not doing gifts this year either, but the funny thing is? We both broke the rule of course! I got a beautiful wooden salad bowl I have been wanting. He got 3 new T-shirts. And....look what else we picked out for each other! I guess great minds think alike after all.
"Mommy's Little Hero"
"Daddy's All Star"
Dinner was really good and it was fun to get out together and not crowded at all!
Hope everyone has a love-filled day tomorrow and know that we are sending lots of love from Chico! Happy Valentines Day!!
Friday, February 12, 2010
Growing, Growing, Growing
So yesterday marks 23 weeks. I can't believe that next Thursday I will be 6 months pregnant! Time is flying and dragging at the same time. I am so excited to meet my little boy, but at the same time cannot believe I am actually going to have a son! So weird sometimes. I feel like I am already getting to know him as he moves around more and more each day. I have begun to notice him moving around the most at night, after I shower and am sitting on the couch.
This week, like the last, has been pretty uneventful. I went to my monthly check-up on Wednesday and it was really short and sweet. His heart is still beating, and according to the size of my uterus he is growing at the right pace. I was supposed to go to a follow-up sonogram with the Genetic people next Wednesday, but after talking to my midwife (and hearing we would have to pay a huge deductible that day) I decided not to go. They wanted to measure him again at 4 weeks since the last time, to make sure he has grow enough in that period of time. My question for my midwife was...OK so let's say he isn't growing "enough", then what? She said all we could do is monitor his growth more closely, but still there is nothing they can do. Based on this knowledge and the fact that I KNOW he is growing because I can feel him, I am not worried at all. Even though I am a little disappointed because I was looking forward to seeing him again, I think it is the right thing to do. Hopefully we can see him again soon.
The latest growth for the mama includes:
1) A very noticeable, rapidly growing bump
2) Varicose veins on the legs (yuck)
3) Having trouble tying my shoes and putting on pants
4) Waking up with a stuffy nose
5) Getting really tired at work
6) Last and most importantly, having to pee every 5 minutes!
Though I am enjoying getting to bond with him, I am very ready to have him out. I always thought I would love, love, love being pregnant, but come to find out....not loving it. Oh well, he will be out soon and I am sure I will wish he could go back in sometimes :)
Today my wonderful friend Mandy took some really great photos of myself and my other friend Jenifer. Jenifer is also pregnant and due 8 weeks before me. It is really fun to have her to share this with and someone to discuss things with who is going through it at the same time. I have posted some of my favorites. Next Sunday Mandy and I are throwing Jenifer a baby shower and I can't wait! I would also like to say thank you so much to Carla who sent Cade the adorable outfit in the picture below. We love it! Thanks Carla!
The Bumps!

It is getting huge!

Soooo cute Carla!
This week, like the last, has been pretty uneventful. I went to my monthly check-up on Wednesday and it was really short and sweet. His heart is still beating, and according to the size of my uterus he is growing at the right pace. I was supposed to go to a follow-up sonogram with the Genetic people next Wednesday, but after talking to my midwife (and hearing we would have to pay a huge deductible that day) I decided not to go. They wanted to measure him again at 4 weeks since the last time, to make sure he has grow enough in that period of time. My question for my midwife was...OK so let's say he isn't growing "enough", then what? She said all we could do is monitor his growth more closely, but still there is nothing they can do. Based on this knowledge and the fact that I KNOW he is growing because I can feel him, I am not worried at all. Even though I am a little disappointed because I was looking forward to seeing him again, I think it is the right thing to do. Hopefully we can see him again soon.
The latest growth for the mama includes:
1) A very noticeable, rapidly growing bump
2) Varicose veins on the legs (yuck)
3) Having trouble tying my shoes and putting on pants
4) Waking up with a stuffy nose
5) Getting really tired at work
6) Last and most importantly, having to pee every 5 minutes!
Though I am enjoying getting to bond with him, I am very ready to have him out. I always thought I would love, love, love being pregnant, but come to find out....not loving it. Oh well, he will be out soon and I am sure I will wish he could go back in sometimes :)
Today my wonderful friend Mandy took some really great photos of myself and my other friend Jenifer. Jenifer is also pregnant and due 8 weeks before me. It is really fun to have her to share this with and someone to discuss things with who is going through it at the same time. I have posted some of my favorites. Next Sunday Mandy and I are throwing Jenifer a baby shower and I can't wait! I would also like to say thank you so much to Carla who sent Cade the adorable outfit in the picture below. We love it! Thanks Carla!
The Bumps!
It is getting huge!
Soooo cute Carla!
Monday, February 8, 2010
New Developments
I really have a lot to write this week and I want to take new pictures of the belly and the house, but I need to go to bed and will have to do it tomorrow. I just had to share the most fun thing in my life right now and that is the growing strength of Mr. Cade :) I started feeling him move around to some extent about 3 or 4 weeks ago. Everyday, the strength and intensity of his acrobatics increases and he becomes more and more active. Last night however, was the best so far. I was laying in bed wide awake at all hours of the night for some reason (I think it was 3:30 or something) and I felt him start moving around near my side. Up until now, I could only feel him move on the inside, but this time it was so strong that I could not only feel it on the outside too, but I could see it! Sooooo amazing and nothing makes me smile more. I so wanted Chris to feel it, but by the time I got to him, Cade stopped moving of course. Anyway, it really made my day (well night) and I just wanted to share. More to come soon!
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
22 Weeks and Counting...
So, I have failed to update the blog for a few days, partly because life has been fairly uneventful and partly because since school started, life has become much busier. Tomorrow marks week 22 for us! Since finding out the news that Cade is healthy, not a whole lot has happened in our lives.
I am still struggling to find a good routine of getting homework done, working, making it to classes on time, and still finding time to exercise. It is quite a challenge as it has always been for me, but now I have to add in the additional factor of getting bigger and being more tired. I hope to get it down to a T eventually :)
We have spent the last 2 weeks rearranging, organizing, and cleaning our little house. I guess you could say it is kind of an early nesting thing, but the funny part is, it is Chris nesting and not really me! I have been trying to help as much as I can, but he has worked so hard to get the house set up in a way that will be comfortable and efficient for our growing family. We have a new (and HUGE) TV, an official guest room (with a bed) for those of you who will be joining us for a visit this summer, an office/laundry room (including shelving for storage) and finally a dresser in our bedroom. We finally have curtains on our windows and on our closets, an empty closet for baby stuff and a whole lot less junk in the house. I will post photos eventually when I get it all cleaned and organized.
Cade has become sooo active (as in never stops moving) and is getting stronger everyday. He has settled himself all the way down as far as he can get for now and practices Karate and tumbling daily. He is the most active in the late mornings while I am in classes and at night before I go to bed. He often moves around when Chris talks to him :) So sweet. I can't wait until Chris can feel him move on the outside.
My next appointment is on Wednesday and will share the details of that visit of course! For now, I must go to bed because I can no longer keep my eyes open past 9pm. More belly photos to come this weekend!
I am still struggling to find a good routine of getting homework done, working, making it to classes on time, and still finding time to exercise. It is quite a challenge as it has always been for me, but now I have to add in the additional factor of getting bigger and being more tired. I hope to get it down to a T eventually :)
We have spent the last 2 weeks rearranging, organizing, and cleaning our little house. I guess you could say it is kind of an early nesting thing, but the funny part is, it is Chris nesting and not really me! I have been trying to help as much as I can, but he has worked so hard to get the house set up in a way that will be comfortable and efficient for our growing family. We have a new (and HUGE) TV, an official guest room (with a bed) for those of you who will be joining us for a visit this summer, an office/laundry room (including shelving for storage) and finally a dresser in our bedroom. We finally have curtains on our windows and on our closets, an empty closet for baby stuff and a whole lot less junk in the house. I will post photos eventually when I get it all cleaned and organized.
Cade has become sooo active (as in never stops moving) and is getting stronger everyday. He has settled himself all the way down as far as he can get for now and practices Karate and tumbling daily. He is the most active in the late mornings while I am in classes and at night before I go to bed. He often moves around when Chris talks to him :) So sweet. I can't wait until Chris can feel him move on the outside.
My next appointment is on Wednesday and will share the details of that visit of course! For now, I must go to bed because I can no longer keep my eyes open past 9pm. More belly photos to come this weekend!
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