One Month Old
Two Months Old
It has been so long since I have updated the blog! Things have finally settled down around here, at least for now. For the last 2 months we have had family here for all but a week. It was so nice to see everyone and for them all to spend time with Cade, but we are glad to have our house back.
Cade is growing and changing everyday. It is so fun to watch, but I wish it would happen more slowly than it is. To begin with, he is huge! At our last doctors appointment he weighed 7 pounds, 13 ounces and had grown an inch! We go again on Wednesday and I am sure he will be close to 9 pounds by now. He is much more alert and stays awake for longer periods of time now. He LOVES to be outside and will stare up at the sky and trees for almost an hour. Sometimes in the morning before it gets too hot, we sit together out back under the trees. On the nights that it is not too hot, we go for a walk together and he really seems to enjoy it. He stares at the sky and stays quiet the whole walk. Most of the time, he falls asleep.
He also smiled for the first time this week! He has always smiled in his sleep, but this was the first time it was intentional and in reaction to something. He had been really fussy all day and Chris came home and took him from me. As soon as he did, Cade calmed down and when Chris started talking to him, he literally almost laughed out loud! It was so sweet (even though Mama was a little jealous). Since then he has been starting to smile and even coo a little once in a while. Today I put him in his bouncy chair and attached the bar above him with the toys hanging down. It was the first time he really noticed them and started moving his arms in excitement and actually batted at the zebra. He stayed entertained for about 10 minutes, which is pretty good for him. He holds his head up all the time now and really strains to see everything. He is getting stronger everyday.
Sleeping is going great lately because I have now mastered the skill of feeding him laying down and don't even get out of bed at night. He wakes up about every 3 hours to eat, but I just feed him and sleep while he eats and he goes right back to sleep. I bought bigger diapers too, which helps because I don't have to change him every time he eats now since they hold a little more. I am getting plenty of sleep and feel very rested most mornings. During the day he still sleeps most of the time, but stays awake between feedings for about 30 minutes to an hour. He cat-naps all day and won't stay asleep for long unless he is being held. He seems to get really fussy between 6:00 and 8:00pm so I have started trying to establish some sort of bedtime routine. Most nights he has his bottle (with vitamins) around 7:00, he and I take a shower and put PJ's on and then he nurses to sleep around 8:00. Usually by this time of day, he is so tired from cat-napping all day that he passes out. I can usually put him down on the bed and he sleeps for about 3 hours until he gets hungry again. The only problem with this is that by 4:00 or 5:00 the next morning, he has had so much deep sleep that he is awake and ready to go for the day! This makes for a tired Mama with nothing to do so early in the morning, but I am really just trying to savor every moment no matter what is going on. Last night he fell asleep around 9:15, slept until 12:30am, didn't wake up but ate and went back to sleep and slept until 4:30. I can already see him starting to change and get older.
I have been staying in the house for the most part. When we had family here, we went out occasionally, but we are still trying to keep Cade home as much as possible for now. Most days we lounge in the morning and eventually get dressed and have breakfast. It is nice not to have work or school to rush off to and I am enjoying every moment of being home with him. Chris has been really helpful and let's me get out to Target or the grocery store to get out of the house for a while. Cade is really great at eating from a bottle so as long as I plan ahead and thaw out some milk, I can be gone for a while and all is well. I usually end up missing him though so I come home :)
I guess that is all for now. I will try to update this more often as I am sure he will start doing things rapidly now :) Doctor's appointment on Wednesday....weight update to come!
Check out how much he has grown already!